East China

Qingdao New Airport

Qingdao New Airport


1577949359(1).jpg Qingdao New Airport High Subway Station Room and Qingdao New Airport in the same period of construction, in April 2016 officially under construction, and from north to south in turn through the terminal, viaduct, GTC integrated transportation center, all using the ming dig method construction. High-speed rail two four-line line length of 1850 meters, station room area of 73100m2, subway island two-sided platform, the length of the main line 1031 meters, station room building area of 31,000m2. The project will qingdao new airport, Jiqing high-speed rail, Qingdao Metro Line 8, the city express line organic combination together, after completion will achieve high-speed rail, subway, aviation all-round transfer, will be achieved within an hour Qingdao ring city, one hour arrived in Jinan, greatconvenience to the public travel.